Large Coin Replicas

I was in a gift shop near Zion National Park a week ago and saw some novelty metal coin replicas for $1.75. I considered buying them, but then decided against it. Now I’m thinking about buying them again, so I looked online and sure enough, there are even more to choose from and they don’t cost as much as long as you get 3 or more. If you’re interested in getting them, I found some at Jakes Numismatic Novelties. Here’s a list of the large coins replicas they have, along with a lot of other novelty coin items.

More than fifteen years ago I bought a miniature set of coins, jokingly referred to as the result of inflation, and almost every time I’ve showed my collection to someone else, that has been one of the highlights that has elicited oohs and aahs. If you want to add them to your collection, I found them for $1.50 at Unnecessary necessities and at RS coins with little sayings on them (here’s a photo of them)like, “My tax refund” and “A small loan.”

Oh, and for anyone who’s still convinced that their double-side coin is real, they’re available on Jake’s for a few bucks each.

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