flaw in Wisconsin State Quarter

An unknown number of Wisconsin quarters that went into circulation late last year as part of the 10-year, 50-state quarter program contain flaws, sparking a frenzy among coin collectors and other treasure hunters that has not been seen for many years.

The quarters, which appear to have an extra leaf on the left side of an ear of corn, are being sold on eBay and in coin shops for hundreds of dollars. In some of the coins, the leaf is tilted up; in others, it is tilted down.

Old Pueblo Coin in Tucson, where the quarters were first discovered, has sold about 10 sets of three quarters — two flawed and one regular — that are graded in mint condition for $1,099 each. Lower-grade sets, which include small dings that regularly crop up in the factory and handling processes, are selling for $300 to $600 each.

“It’s really been a crazy market,” Old Pueblo Coin manager Ben Weinstein says.

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